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제 22 호 SMU Life Manual: The Places Where We Can Study on Campus!(Seoul ver.)

  • 작성일 2024-06-06
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  • 조회수 5214

Kicker: SM NEWS

SMU Life Manual: The Places Where We Can Study on Campus!(Seoul ver.)

by Su-Min Lee, Cub Reporter


  Last April when the spring was passed, the first trial period season was came. In this season, did you just go to the library? However, if you look everywhere at the school, you can easily encounter spaces where you can sit and study for a while in various atmospheres and environments. Now,  how far do you know these spaces? For those of you who are studying in the library and looking for a new place, I would like to take a look at all the various spaces where you can know and use. 

  On the Seoul campus, there are seven buildings where students can study or spend their leisure time. Let's look at them one by one. 

  First, Hall H, Student's Union. In this building, there are two places where students can study. There are five tables that four students can sit each on the first floor. In addition, there is the same type of table on the second floor. The spaces mentioned above are open to eating. It is usually open until 17:30. When you visit, you can enter the third floor if the first and second floors are locked. 

  Second, Hall N the so-called Jahagwan. This building is mainly used by Humanities and Social Science majors. On the first floor, The Linc+ Open Lab which has single and table seats. There are three tables for four people to study. In Hall N, there are various types of spaces to visit and spend time for students from the second, third, fourth and fifth floors.In the second to fifth floor spaces, eating is allowed. 

  Third, Hall G which is the second engineering hall. In the Hall G, there is the SW LOUNGE on the first floor where it is possible to eat. Therefore, it is often used when students spend time together as a group. This space also has a single person space and table seats. Since there are many practice rooms in the G Hall for Computer Science students, the first floor is the only publicly available space. 

  Fourth, the Millennium Hall of Business and Economics, Building T. It has the COLLABORATE LEARNING PARK on the first floor. It offers various types of seats such as room-style, sofa and single-person spaces. It can accommodate more than 30 students and is open from 9:00~17:30 on weekdays. It is closed on holidays and weekends. On the second floor at the right end of the stairs, there are long table seats and single seats are located. On the third floor, there is a small space in the area connected to the escalator. Finally, there is the STARTUP DREAMUP SPACE which is used for various purposes such as taking a nap and studying. It is not used separately as a reservation system. 

  Fifth, Hall L, the Library. As many students know, there is a READING LOUNGE on the first floor. The PC can also be used, and it is a large space and run from 6:00~24:00. On each floor, some sofas and chairs are located in the center.On the third floor, eight group study rooms are located. To use the study rooms, you should reserve through the Library application. On the fourth floor, there are two general study rooms. They also need reservation by app. These rooms are open from 6:00 to 23:00. In addition, during test periods, the library is open 24 hours a day for a certain period.

  Sixth, Hall A, the Collge of Education. It has long table seats that six students can sit at each table on the first floor and there are various types of seats available at the Innovation Convergence Park next to GS25 on the first basement floor. It runs to a late time, so many students often use this place during exam periods.

  Lastly, the Future Centennial Hall. On the first basement floor, the Oreum Education Lounge is located across from the cafe. There are bench table seats and single-person seats. It is suitable for classmates who want to study in an open space. In addition, there are two tables on the second floor. Therefore, it can be useful for chatting or doing assignments during free time.

  In our school where there are more diverse spaces than expected, I hope that many students will find a space that suits them and use their time usefully.

